we had just presented the reading materials given by our lecturer..my friend and i were assigned to present a topic on "Working without a coursework". i was quite nervous as this is the first time for me to step up in the front to present the topic (for this semester..) i have been very quiet and dull when the semester started on 7th June..and finally there is a room for me to show my true colour..i found presenting to my friends quite annoying because majority of them were tired after several couples had presented earlier..so when it was time for us to present: (we were the last one!) everyone was busily doing their own stuff..that's common i guess. i didn't pay attention either but was slightly disappointed: that's all.
under my topic: i discussed about "Deciding How Frequent And How Long Language Lessons Should Be". i read the Power Point slides and the notes given it for couple of times and by the time i presented it: i was quite sure that i understood what i was talking about. the subtopic is mainly about how teacher should get on their work: dividing the 2 hours given time to teach language wisely to suit the need of the children. i just learned that if teachers don't have that syllabus or CS in hand, they could actually divide the 2 hours into 2 one hour lesson or 4 half and hour lessons. there would be however the PROS and CONS to this practice.
i find this pieces of information really useful and practical..again: it depends on teachers themselves to consider it. having short language lesson will make children feel less bored. but what i am concern about is whether we as teachers one day could actually sort all things into that short lesson while ensuring that the children are engaged in meaningful contact hour.
when talking about this concern: i remembered my past experienced in SK Sri Suria for the School Based Experience last semester. we were given a double period lesson to teach language. unfortunately, because the school practises a mini assembly after each recess hour, we were left with almost 35 minutes to carry out the lesson. we tried to squeeze the planned activities into that 35 minutes, but as we are inexperienced in handling the real bunchful of children, we didn't manage to carry out the complete lesson. the Post stage was made short and we didn't even manage to carry out the Closure stage.
we learn a lot from our experience and will not stop from learning..
we learn a lot from our experience and will not stop from learning..
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